Savage Preworkout has arrived! Combining the benefits of a fat burner, pump product, and pre-workout all in one. Clinically dosed meaning that we don't hide behind proprietary blends and give you the effective dose of all ingredients. Not only are these ingredients a force all on there own we find the best combination where they all work in symmetry with one another. Take a look for yourself.
Nitric oxide pump blend
Citrulline Malate 6g- Citrulline supplementation, generally in malic acid salt form (aka citrulline malate), has a strong body of scientific and empirical evidence supporting its benefits in the realm of physical performance enhancement. Aside from being a necessary biomolecule in the urea cycle, citrulline may enhance health and performance by:
-Elevating nitric oxide (NO2) production which is a positive regulator of vasodilation and blood flow
-Enhancing elimination of toxic nitrogen metabolites
-Enhancing the utilization of essential amino acids during exercise
-Improving recovery time after exercise by attenuating delayed-onset muscle soreness
-Reducing/inhibiting the increase in plasma insulin levels that usually arises after high-intensity exercise
-Increasing growth hormone levels to a higher degree in individuals after resistance training as compared to a placebo group
Augmatine 1g-Agmatine, also known as (4-aminobutyl)guanidine, is a derivative of the amino acid l-arginine. Stored in neurons, this compound (also referred to as “super arginine”) is known to assist with central nervous system function, primarily as a neuromodulator and neurotransmitter.
Research into agmatine reveals a potential to improve the symptoms related to neuropathic pain, and the ability to assist with the treatment of drug addiction. Agmatine also helps to govern nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, as well as working to properly regulate cellular energy by overseeing polyamine metabolic function. This makes agmatine sulfate a popular pump-inducing supplement choice.
In the muscle building and sports performance realm, agmatine works to provide the following potential benefits:
- ● Improved muscle pumps via the inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS).
- ● Better intra-workout energy.
- ● In the role of a nootropic, aiding with mental clarity (focus), stress management and mental health.
- ● Helps to promote healthy insulin sensitivity, promoting leanness and muscle building.
Strength matrix
Beta alanine1.6-Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid and is the only naturally occurring beta-amino acid. Not to be confused with regular alanine, beta- alanine is classified as a non-proteinogenic amino acid, as it is not believed to be used in the building of proteins.
The greatest natural dietary sources of beta-alanine are believed to be obtained through ingesting the beta-alanine containing dipeptides: carnosine, anserine and balenine, rather than directly ingesting beta-alanine. These dipeptides are found in protein rich foods such as chicken, beef, pork and fish. It is predominantly through ingesting the dipeptide carnosine that we ingest most of our beta-alanine, as the two other dipeptides are not found nearly as plentiful in our typical coniferous diet. However, obtaining beta-alanine through these dipeptides is not the only way, as our bodies can synthesize it in the liver from the catabolism of pyrimidine nucleotides which are broken down into uracil and thymine and then metabolized into beta-alanine and B-aminoisobutyrate. Of course, it can also be ingested through direct supplementation which is the focus of this article.
Below is a list of the benefits from beta-alanine, supported by peer-reviewed university research, published in reputable science journals.
Benefits of Beta-Alanine as supported by scientific studies:
- ● Increase Muscular Strength & Power Output.
- ● Increases Muscle Mass
- ● Increase Anaerobic Endurance
- ● Increases Aerobic Endurance
- ● Delay Muscular Fatigue- Train Harder & Longer
D- asparic acid 500mg-DAA is mainly used to enhance athletic performance. It has also been implicated in a variety of other outcomes, including:
- ● Enhancing secondary calcium-dependent neurotransmission signaling;
- ● Decreasing risks factors for developing cardiovascular disorders;
- ● Increasing testosterone levels;IN MEN ONLY
- ● Helping to gain lean muscle mass and decrease fat stores;
- ● Stimulating increases in muscle power;
- ● Promoting hormone synthesis;
- ● Increasing fertility and enhancing spermatogenesis
Focus, Energy, endurance and Fat burning complex
Caffine Anhydrous 325mg-Caffeine crosses the blood-brain barrier easily, making it a very psychoactive substance. Inside the brain, caffeine counteracts the substance andenosine. Andenosine is responsible for inhibiting nervous system activity. Caffeine binds to the andenosine receptors and essentially stops andenosine from putting the brakes on neural activity.
Caffeine also boosts epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. In general, users of caffeine have more energy, more alertness and less fatigue. Athletes can benefit from these effects and more.
Using pre-workout supplements is a smart way to ensure you get the right nutrients and supplements into your body at the right time. Athletes around the world use caffeine anhydrous and caffeine supplements to improve performance and accelerate results. The most common positive effects are increased fat loss, elongated muscular performance, and enhanced recovery.
- ● Increased fat loss. Since caffeine increases overall energy output, it has a positive effect on the metabolic system. It increases the release of fat into the bloodstream and helps your body burn it faster. The effects can be magnified when combined with exercise since your body will be primed for fat loss.
- ● Muscular endurance. For aerobic activities like cycling or running, caffeine improves endurance. This seems to be a result of both the inhibition of andenosine and also the glucose sparing effect caffeine has on muscles. By increasing fat oxidation, caffeine prevents the body from using intramuscular glucose as the initial energy source so the stored energy can be reserved for later. It is believed that caffeine helps with perceived effort and exertion, so it essentially makes exercise feel easier!
- ● Muscular Strength and Power. Caffeine isn’t only effective for distance-oriented athletes, it’s a great tool for weightlifting and other anaerobic activities as well. A study was performed on 18 male athletes who were given either caffeine or a placebo before performing chest press, leg press, or Wingate test. The group given caffeine lifted significantly more weight in the chest press and achieved more power in the Wingate test.
- ● Faster recovery. As anyone that’s ever exercised knows, doing a new type of exercise or coming back after a break can be painful the next day, so faster recovery is crucial. For experienced athletes, recovery is even more important since an event or entire career can depend on muscles being fully healed and at optimal performance at the right time. A study performed at the University of Georgia tested the post-workout pain felt by a sample of volunteers. The group given the caffeine had 48% less pain than the placebo group.
N- Acetyl-L-Tyrosine-500mg -N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine is a brain supplement that has quickly grown in popularity.
This amino acid is critical for a number of different bodily functions such as cognitive processes, building muscles, and cell growth and recovery.
Taking N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine can support peak performance from both your brain and body by alleviating stress, stimulating your mind and improving neural communication.
It is one of the cognitive enhancement supplements that can promote better balance in the neurotransmitter levels in your brain. For this reason, almost anyone can benefit
from using N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine supplements and it is a common addition to nootropic stacks with Racetams and some of the more potent brain boosters out there.
-Improves Mood and Feelings of Subjective Well-Being
-Increases Cognitive Function When Exposed to Stress
-Shown to Improve Stress Response and Anxiety
-Shown to Improve Attention and Wakefulness
-May Improve Dopamine Deficiency
DMHA: Clarifying the Ambiguity of This Potent Stimulant
Reviews for this product were very good, but for some reason it never really caught on to the masses.
Relayed - DHEA Derivatives ? King of Legal Anabolic Supplements?
Fast forward to 2016, when DMAA?s legality was being investigated by the FDA and the courts and companies were looking for a viable replacement. There was a slight buzz around a new stimulant that was very similar in structure to DMAA, but there was (and still is) a lot of confusion about the actual name and structure of what was being called ?2-aminoisoheptane? or ?DMHA.?
Hopefully, this article with clarify all the questions surrounding this intriguing and powerful stimulant.
DMHA - what's in a Name?
In chemistry, there is a very specific set of guidelines for naming molecules so that there is no ambiguity known as the IUPAC system. The name 2-aminoisoheptane does not describe just one molecule, but multiple variations of that molecule.let's break it down by parts:
Heptane means there are 7 total carbons in the molecule. The term ?iso? means that there is a methyl group that branches out of the linear carbon chain. For isoheptane, that methyl group can be either on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th carbon in the chain of 6 carbons (6 carbons plus the 1 methyl group is 7 carbons for heptane). The only part we know for sure is that there is an amine group on carbon 2.
So, the most accurate name for the structure would be 2-amino-5-methylhexane or 5-methyl-2-hexanamine. But, that is not the molecule that is found in nature and what most companies are using. To add to the confusion even more, the actual molecule found in nature in Kigelia Africana fruit extract is 2-amino-6-methylheptane, or 2-aminoisooctane (because now there are 8 total carbons, not 7).

Somewhere along the way, DMHA was also coined for this compound, I believe by Bruce Kneller which stands for 1,5-dimethylhexanamine. This doesn't specifically tell you where the amine group is, but its catchy and marketable, especially as a DMAA replacement. This is usually the molecule found in your supplements.
There is also a 2-amino-5-methylheptane that is found in nature in the bark of the Juglans regia tree. However, due to cost, most companies use 2-amino-6-methylheptane in their products.
So, now that we are all talking about the same molecule, 2-amino-6-methylheptane or DMHA, what do we actually know about it? Well, it was investigated as a nasal decongestant (as was DMAA) in the 1950s. In fact, it was the active ingredient in the decongestant Eskays Oralator that contained 350mg of it!
There is not a lot of human data for DMHA, but there are some animal pharmacology papers that help shed some light on how it works in the body. In a 1952 study in dogs, tested various octlyamines similar in structure to DMHA showed that these compounds had a similar mechanism of action of amphetamine, but with less stimulation and cardiac activity.
As you can see when comparing structures of DMHA, DMAA and amphetamine, you'll notice that all the compounds have a polar amine group on carbon 2 and then have an extremely lipophilic (greasy) carbon chain/ring. This is known as amphiphilic (containing polar and nonpolar sections) which allow it to readily cross the blood-brain barrier.
DMHA also possesses a methyl group on the alpha carbon that stericly hinders monoamine oxidase, which should give it a similar half-life to DMAA or amphetamine (both half-lives are around 9-11hr). Also, based on its similar structure to DMAA, DMHA should act as a monoamine releasing agent (MRA) of catecholamines such as dopamine and norepinephrine.
An MRA is taken up by transcellular catecholamine channels and the primary location for action is the terminal nerve ends that extend from the sympathetic nervous system to organs like your heart, kidneys, and vasculature nerves. This is where MRAs cause a localized release of norepinephrine which subsequently increases heart rate and renal vasodilaion (via beta-1 adrenergic activity) and peripheral vasoconstriction (via alpha-1 adrenergic activity).
This explains the side effects normally felt when you take a very strong stimulant like DMAA or DMH. When DMHA binds to the trace amine associated receptor 1, it will temporarily prevent the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine into the presynaptic nerve.
By blocking their reuptake, catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine stay active longer in your body and produces the feelings of euphoria and wakefulness (from the dopamine and norepinephrine).
for Fat Loss
There is some evidence to show that supplements containing DMHA can be effective when used as a fat burner. When combined with other ingredients such as caffeine, a commercial fat burner
was found to have significantly decrease body weight, total fat, and appetite compared to those using a placebo (McCarthy et al, 2012a). It was also found that the rate of fat burning increased to over 169% compared to a placebo and the metabolic rate increased by 35% over the placebo.
L-Theanine 200mg - L-theanine, a water-soluble amino acid, is found mainly in green and black tea, and to a lesser extent in mushrooms. It constitutes between 1 and 2 percent of the dry weight of tea. Passing through the blood-brain barrier within 30 minutes, it is used for stress relief, the treatment of anxiety, improved concentration and focus, and minimal cognitive impairment. It is said to generate creativity, a state of wakeful relaxation, and higher learning via the ability to ignore distracting information during complex tasks.
- ● L-theanine has demonstrated benefit for patients diagnosed with anxiety by increasing levels of dopamine and GABA in the brain. It also improved test performance without the agitation caused by caffeine.
In this case we used l -theanine to balance the amount of stimulants so it provides the user with a clean focus instead of the jitters associated with high stim preworkouts.
Green tea extract 50mg- The ancient Chinese were well aware of green tea’s health boosting abilities. They literally used green tea to naturally and effectively treat nearly every ailment, from physical damage in the form of bruises to the severe and complex emotional network, often at the root of a major depressive episode. In ancient China, green tea’s unique beneficial health qualities have made this beverage become well known as a completely natural medicinal treatment.
Green tea is generally credited with easing the symptoms of cancers, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, impaired immune system functioning, and a multitude of different infections. Green tea is able to provide such vast and effective health benefits largely due to the tea’s high concentrations of many different health benefiting chemicals called catechin polyphenols. These chemicals are very powerful antioxidants. In particular, green tea contains a unique polyphenol known as epigallocatechin gallate, or more commonly referred to with the acronym EGCG.
EGCG is a very powerful antioxidant that is specifically credited with some very strong cancer fighting abilities. EGCG not only inhibits the progression and growth of any future cancer cells, but it also accurately identifies, marks, and eliminates cancer infected cells without causing any damage to healthy tissues. EGCG has been documented as an effective antioxidant to prevent any abnormal formation of blood clots. The actual process of forming an abnormal blood clot within the body is known as a thrombosis. The leading cause of heart attacks and strokes is the initial experience of a thrombosis. Therefore, green tea consumption is certainly considered an effective prevention measure against these very detrimental and common negative health conditions.
Green tea has been associated with expediting the process of weight loss. Multiple scientific research studies have found green tea to be a key component in healthy and fast weight loss. Green tea is often recommended for those desiring more overall energy in their daily lives.
Yohimbine HCL 1.5mg-Yohimbine is a chemical that is derived from the bark of the yohimbe tree, a tall evergreen. While the tree is native to Western Africa, supplements containing yohimbine are sold across the world due to the chemical's wide variety of benefits. Yohimbine is a common ingredient in energy drinks and sports nutrition supplements.
Yohimbine is a vasodilator, which means that it expands blood vessels. This allows for easier blood flow and superior circulation. In particular, studies have shown that yohimbine is effective in improving blood flow to extremities, such as your hands and feet. Lower doses of yohimbine can also lower blood pressure and increase heart rate, which can help your body deliver nutrients to working cells.
Fat Burning
Yohimbine is also a popular ingredient in weight-loss and fat-burning products. This is because some studies have shown yohimbine to be effective in removing "stubborn fat"--slimming down problem spots like the abdomen and thighs.
Yohimbine's slimming effect is due to its blockage of alpha(2) andrenoreceptors, which prevent the release of a fat-mobilizing hormone, norepinephrine. Yohimbine ensures higher norepinephrine levels, which causes your body to break down fat cells. This also increases blood flow to fat tissue, which causes less fat to be retained
Appetite Suppressant
Yohimbine also has another advantage for dieters--appetite suppression. Studies have shown that supplementation with yohimbine reduces overall calorie intake by neutralizing feelings of hunger.
Interestingly, one study found that yohimbine reduced carbohydrate and fat intake, but not protein intake. This assists in appetite suppression because protein increases feelings of fullness. Your body also burns more calories digesting protein than it does digesting carbohydrates or fat.
Sexual Health
Supplements that promise to optimize sexual health and battle erectile dysfunction also contain yohimbine. This is because of yohimbine's tendency to increase blood flow to extremities--in this case, your genitals.
addition, yohimbine can slightly increase testosterone levels in men. Women can benefit from yohimbine as well, as the chemical can increase feelings of sexual arousal.
Huperzine A 150mcg- Huperzine-A is a naturally occurring alkaloid found in the plant Huperzia serrata, also known as Chinese Club Moss. Huperzine-A has been used for many years in traditional Chinese medicine to treat many different conditions including swelling, fever, and schizophrenia. As a supplement, Huperzine-A is often used to enhance memory, focus, and learning ability. Huperzine-A may be of benefit to students and in treating age-related cognitive decline.
Huperzine-A is an inhibitor of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which breaks down acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter. Huperzine-A is able to cross the blood-brain barrier so that it can exert its effects in the brain. In addition to its effects on acetylcholine levels, huperzine-A may also increase nerve growth factor (an protein that is important for the growth and sustenance of nerve cells), however more research is definitely needed on this topic. Anecdotal evidence has supported the brain-boosting effects of huperzine-A, with users both young and old reporting increased mental clarity and memory. Huperzine-A shows promise as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, and functions similarly to certain drugs used to treat cognitive decline.
6 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Just an overall effective pre-workout; cardio or lifting.
The best Preworkout hands down
One of very few preworkouts still made with high quality ingredients. Total focus. And now for than ever supporting smaller business That make great stuff is necessary. 4th time buying.
Tried plenty other pres and iam super picky this product is great , the energy and focus had me sold
Amazing stuff! My workouts have been out of this world.
Been looking for a pre that gave me a shitload of energy but didnt want to use other products that were basically just a shit load of caffeine and niacin. Over loading on caffeine always made me feel like I had plenty of energy but I felt like I was too jittery to focus on my lifts so in turn I felt weaker. Savage is perfect for me because of the dmaa added with the 300mg or caffeine. I lift heavier and harder when I take it and the shit lasts several hours
Excellent preworkout. Beats many preworkout supplements hands down. For they are not afraid to give you what you want not the supplement that some company are because big box retailers won’t carry if they do