Savage Shred
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Orchilean 50mg- Orchilean also known as Cymbidium Goeringii Extract is an adaptogenic herb derived from the Noble orchid a flowering plant used in traditional medicine in China, Nepal and Northern India.
In it’s natural form Cymbidium Goeringii is a botanical tonic that can greatly improve the body’s ability to increase energy levels and adapt to stress.
Orchilean works to help the body adapt to various stressful challenges such as those during high intensity training or environmental stressors including pollutants and toxins.
Specifically, Orchilean stimulates and replenish the energy of cells and bodily systems that help regulate our state of homeostasis; by doing so we can adapt accurately to stress increasing our physical and psychological endurance and resiliency.
Orchilean also contains a biological peptide known as Cymbidine-A a highly potent vasodilator and diuretic; in addition it also contains an antioxidant known as Gigantol that works synergistically with Cymbidine-A to induce increased nitric oxide release.
In this way, Orchilean works to enhance performance by improving stroke volume, blood flow and increasing nitric oxide production to help deliver more oxygen and nutrients to working muscle tissue during training.
It has been shown in clinical studies to have very potent anti-inflammatory (Beg), anti-microbial, and accelerated healing properties (Singh). Traditional Chinese medicine has used orchid extracts for a wide variety of applications over the millennia, however, due to the fact that orchids contain a wide array of stimulant alkaloids ranging from atropine to caffeine, making it an ideal addition to any stimulant stack (Bulpitt). In fact, some anecdotal sources report a potency in Orchilean™ three times as strong as DMAA. Though this is unsubstantiated in a clinical setting, everyone who has taken the compound seems to agree that it is an incredibly potent stimulant.
DMHA - what's in a Name?
In chemistry, there is a very specific set of guidelines for naming molecules so that there is no ambiguity known as the IUPAC system. The name 2-aminoisoheptane does not describe just one molecule, but multiple variations of that molecule.let's break it down by parts:
Heptane means there are 7 total carbons in the molecule. The term ?iso? means that there is a methyl group that branches out of the linear carbon chain. For isoheptane, that methyl group can be either on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th carbon in the chain of 6 carbons (6 carbons plus the 1 methyl group is 7 carbons for heptane). The only part we know for sure is that there is an amine group on carbon 2.
So, the most accurate name for the structure would be 2-amino-5-methylhexane or 5-methyl-2-hexanamine. But, that is not the molecule that is found in nature and what most companies are using. To add to the confusion even more, the actual molecule found in nature in Kigelia Africana fruit extract is 2-amino-6-methylheptane, or 2-aminoisooctane (because now there are 8 total carbons, not 7).

Somewhere along the way, DMHA was also coined for this compound, I believe by Bruce Kneller which stands for 1,5-dimethylhexanamine. This doesn't specifically tell you where the amine group is, but its catchy and marketable, especially as a DMAA replacement. This is usually the molecule found in your supplements.
There is also a 2-amino-5-methylheptane that is found in nature in the bark of the Juglans regia tree. However, due to cost, most companies use 2-amino-6-methylheptane in their products.
So, now that we are all talking about the same molecule, 2-amino-6-methylheptane or DMHA, what do we actually know about it? Well, it was investigated as a nasal decongestant (as was DMAA) in the 1950s. In fact, it was the active ingredient in the decongestant Eskays Oralator that contained 350mg of it!
There is not a lot of human data for DMHA, but there are some animal pharmacology papers that help shed some light on how it works in the body. In a 1952 study in dogs, tested various octlyamines similar in structure to DMHA showed that these compounds had a similar mechanism of action of amphetamine, but with less stimulation and cardiac activity.
As you can see when comparing structures of DMHA, DMAA and amphetamine, you'll notice that all the compounds have a polar amine group on carbon 2 and then have an extremely lipophilic (greasy) carbon chain/ring. This is known as amphiphilic (containing polar and nonpolar sections) which allow it to readily cross the blood-brain barrier.
DMHA also possesses a methyl group on the alpha carbon that stericly hinders monoamine oxidase, which should give it a similar half-life to DMAA or amphetamine (both half-lives are around 9-11hr). Also, based on its similar structure to DMAA, DMHA should act as a monoamine releasing agent (MRA) of catecholamines such as dopamine and norepinephrine.
An MRA is taken up by transcellular catecholamine channels and the primary location for action is the terminal nerve ends that extend from the sympathetic nervous system to organs like your heart, kidneys, and vasculature nerves. This is where MRAs cause a localized release of norepinephrine which subsequently increases heart rate and renal vasodilaion (via beta-1 adrenergic activity) and peripheral vasoconstriction (via alpha-1 adrenergic activity).
This explains the side effects normally felt when you take a very strong stimulant like DMAA or DMHA. When DMHA binds to the trace amine associated receptor 1, it will temporarily prevent the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine into the presynaptic nerve.
By blocking their reuptake, catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine stay active longer in your body and produces the feelings of euphoria and wakefulness (from the dopamine and norepinephrine).
for Fat Loss
There is some evidence to show that supplements containing DMHA can be effective when used as a fat burner. When combined with other ingredients such as caffeine, a commercial fat burner
was found to have significantly decrease body weight, total fat, and appetite compared to those using a placebo (McCarthy et al, 2012a). It was also found that the rate of fat burning increased to over 169% compared to a placebo and the metabolic rate increased by 35% over the placebo.
Rhodiola 50mg- Rhodiola rosea is a remarkable herb that has a wide and varied history of uses. It is thought to strengthen the nervous system, fight depression, enhance immunity, elevate the capacity for exercise, enhance memory, aid weight reduction, increase sexual function and improve energy levels. It has long been known as a potent adaptogen. Adaptogens are substances that increase the body's overall resistance and help to normalise bodily functions.
Rhodiola has a legendary history dating back thousands of years. In 77 A.D., the Greek physician Dioscorides documented the medical applications of the plant, which he then called rodia riza, in his classic medical text De Materia Medica. The Vikings depended on the herb to enhance their physical strength and endurance, while Chinese emperors sent expeditions to Siberia to bring back "the golden root" for medicinal preparations. The people of central Asia considered a tea brewed from Rhodiola rosea to be the most effective treatment for cold and flu. Mongolian physicians prescribed it for tuberculosis and cancer.
Research on Rhodiola rosea and other medicinal herbs was part of the Soviet Union's great push to compete with the West in military development, the arms race, space exploration, Olympic sports, science, medicine, and industry. It is a popular plant in traditional medical systems in Eastern Europe and Asia, with a reputation for stimulating the nervous system, decreasing depression, enhancing work performance, eliminating fatigue, and preventing high altitude sickness.
Ashwaganda 50mg- Ashwagandha contains many useful medicinal chemicals, including withanolides, alkaloids, choline, fatty acids, amino acids, and a variety of sugars. While the leaves and fruit have valuable therapeutic properties, the root of the Ashwagandha plant is the part most commonly used in Western herbal remedies.
Medical researchers have been studying Ashwagandha for years with great interest and have completed more than 200 studies on the healing benefits of this botanical. Some key examples of the healing effects of Ashwagandha are:
Protects the immune system
Helps combat the effects of stress
Improves learning, memory, and reaction time
Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness
Helps reduce brain-cell degeneration
Stabilizes blood sugar
Helps lower cholesterol
Offers anti-inflammatory benefits
Contains anti-malarial properties
Enhances sexual potency for both men and women
Ashwagandha as an Adaptogenic Herb
In Ayurveda, there are specific herbs with adaptogenic benefits, Ashwagandha is one of them. Adaptogens are substances (a combination of amino acids, vitamins, and herbs) that modulate your response to stress or a changing environment. Adaptogens help the body cope with external stresses such as toxins in the environment and internal stresses such as anxiety and insomnia.
Rauwolscine.5mg- Rauwolscine is an alpha-receptor antagonist, meaning it can inhibit (block) the action of the receptors responsible for stopping lipolysis (fat breakdown). The result, more fat-loss can occur (from exercise) than would otherwise normally be possible (if the alpha receptors were uninhibited).
You see, alpha receptors have a counterpart, known as beta-receptors. Beta-receptors initiate lipolysis, and alpha receptors stop it. Think of these receptors as the "yin and yang" of the body's fat-burning controls, regulating the process so that a steady amount of fat is burned, but not too much.
But what is too much, right? Surely these receptors served an important evolutionary purpose in human beings when we were running around the forest (or jungle), hunting, running from predators, and going days at a time without eating. Beta-receptors made sure our bodies had plenty of substrate (fat) to be burned for energy and alpha receptors stopped us from burning too much, since not leaving any fat 'in storage' could be fatal.
However, as humans evolved and figured out permanent solutions to these problems, these damn things called alpha receptors still put a stop to lipolysis, forcing us to conserve more fat than we might want to. Whether you play competitive sports, bodybuild, or just want to look good, you don't want alpha-receptors to put a stop to fat-loss.
That's where Rauwolscine comes in. Taking Rauwolscine before you train allows your body to keep breaking down fat beyond the point in exercise where it would normally stop.
Yohimbine is notorious for causing some pretty nasty side effects. It is often the reason why people react poorly to pre-workouts and fat-burners and is hard to accurately measure when used
in the form of an extract. Some of the side effects associated withYohimbine are:
racing heart beat
Since Rauwolscine requires a much lower dose to induce similar fat-burning effects, it is much less likely to cause these sorts of negative side effects. Rauwolscine HCL is also much safer than Rauwolscine derived from some sort of plant extract because, as stated above, plant extracts often contain unknown bioactives and/or unknown quantities of those bioactives.
Cayanne 10mg- Capsaicin is the main active ingredient in cayenne pepper. Researchers believe that capsaicin is a thermogenic chemical. A thermogenic chemical helps speed up your metabolism and decrease your appetite.
Cayenne peppers are considered a wonder herb for some people, because not only does it promote weight loss, it promotes overall health. If you add cayenne pepper to your diet, you are helping your body function more properly, because cayenne pepper does the following: increase blood flow, increase sex drive, reduce ulcers, promotes a healthy digestion, and maintains healthy blood pressure.
Green tea extract 50mg- The ancient Chinese were well aware of green tea’s health boosting abilities. They literally used green tea to naturally and effectively treat nearly every ailment, from physical damage in the form of bruises to the severe and complex emotional network, often at the root of a major depressive episode. In ancient China, green tea’s unique beneficial health qualities have made this beverage become well known as a completely natural medicinal treatment.
Green tea is generally credited with easing the symptoms of cancers, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, impaired immune system functioning, and a multitude of different infections. Green tea is able to provide such vast and effective health benefits largely due to the tea’s high concentrations of many different health benefiting chemicals called catechin polyphenols. These chemicals are very powerful antioxidants. In particular, green tea contains a unique polyphenol known as epigallocatechin gallate, or more commonly referred to with the acronym EGCG.
EGCG is a very powerful antioxidant that is specifically credited with some very strong cancer fighting abilities. EGCG not only inhibits the progression and growth of any future cancer cells, but it also accurately identifies, marks, and eliminates cancer infected cells without causing any damage to healthy tissues. EGCG has been documented as an effective antioxidant to prevent any abnormal formation of blood clots. The actual process of forming an abnormal blood clot within the body is known as a thrombosis. The leading cause of heart attacks and strokes is the initial experience of a thrombosis. Therefore, green tea consumption is certainly considered an effective prevention measure against these very detrimental and common negative health conditions.
Green tea has been associated with expediting the process of weight loss. Multiple scientific research studies have found green tea to be a key component in healthy and fast weight loss. Green tea is often recommended for those desiring more overall energy in their daily lives.
Cirsium Oligophyllum 25mg-The Cirsium Oligophyllum study was conducted at Biological Science Laboratories, Kao Corporation, Japan. You can find the published study in the International Journal of Biological Sciences. The purpose of this study was to determine if Cirsium Oligophyllum whole plant extract could produce thermogenesis and, consequently, weight loss.
The Cirsium Oligophyllum extract was combined with caffeine and propranol and applied to Wistar rats for 32 days. How many rats were used in the study was not listed in the study. The combination of ingredients were both ingested by the rats and applied topically. The overall results concluded that the fat loss in the rats was 23.2% in a month’s time.
The conclusion of this study was that Cirsium Oligophyllum might produce a thermogenic affect. In addition, the scientists believe that Cirsium Oligophyllum could be used for the treatment of obesity.
Garcinia 250mg- Garcinia cambogia is one of the hottest weight loss products today. The herbal supplement is making waves in the diet industry, thanks to an endorsement from several nutrition experts. They describe the supplement as “a revolutionary fat buster” and “a breakthrough in natural weight loss.”
Garcinia cambogia is the small, sour fruit of a tropical tree that is native to Indonesia. The fruit is cultivated for culinary purposes in Asia, India and Africa. Ayurvedic medicine uses the extract for various treatments including weight loss, stomach ulcers and digestive problems. Here are five more amazing benefits of Garcinia cambogia.
Garcinia Cambogia is a Fat Blocker
Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a citric acid byproduct, is the main active ingredient in Garcinia cambogia extract. HCA blocks fat by inhibiting the efforts of citrate lyase, an important metabolic enzyme. This is one of the reasons that Garcinia is so successful as a weight loss supplement.
Under normal conditions, citrate lyase converts excess sugars and carbohydrates into fatty acids, cholesterol and triglycerides. What the body cannot use for energy, the body stores as fat. Most people store this fat in the waist, hips, thighs and buttocks.
By interrupting the metabolic process, hydroxycitric acid slows the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. It allows halts fat storage. This is one of the chief benefits of Garcinia cambogia extract.
Garcinia Cambogia is an Appetite Suppressant
A second important aspect of hydroxycitric acid is its ability to suppress the appetite. It does this in a couple of ways, by increasing serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is an important brain chemical that acts as a neurotransmitter. It is responsible for a number of regulatory processes that affect appetite and mood.
Elevated levels of serotonin promote weight loss by curbing the appetite and sugar cravings. This hunger-suppressing quality is another important way that Garcinia cambogia supports weight loss.
Raised serotonin levels also improve mood, and many antidepressants mimic the effects of serotonin. As depression lifts and anxiety fades, people are less likely to turn to food as a coping mechanism. This makes Garcinia cambogia particularly helpful for emotional eaters.
Garcinia Cambogia Boosts Metabolism
One of the greatest benefits of Garcinia cambogia is the ability create a more efficient metabolism. The metabolic process is actually a sequence of chemical reactions that keep the body in a constant state of imbalance. HCA helps to balance these reactions and make the process more efficient.
As a result, the body uses more energy than it takes in. This causes it to tap the fat stores for fuel. Garcinia cambogia reduces fat and keeps excess weight down.
Garcinia Cambogia Lowers Blood Cholesterol
As HCA stops the citrate lyase enzyme from transforming sugars into fats, it block fat production and storage. At the same time, it reduces the amount of lipids in the blood stream. It lowers production of bad cholesterol and increases the production of good cholesterol.
In addition to keeping cholesterol in check, Garcinia cambogia also lowers blood pressure. Both cholesterol and blood pressure impact mood, heart health and quality of life.
Garcinia Cambogia Improves Immune Function
Finally, Garcinia cambogia improves immune system functioning. Studies indicate that the supplement can improve the body’s response to infections, illness and disease. This is mainly due to the high concentration of vitamin C in Garcinia cambogia fruit. The herbal supplement may also shorten the duration of sickness like the flu and common cold.
Caffeine 100mg- Caffeine crosses the blood-brain barrier easily, making it a very psychoactive substance. Inside the brain, caffeine counteracts the substance andenosine. Andenosine is responsible for inhibiting nervous system activity. Caffeine binds to the andenosine receptors and essentially stops andenosine from putting the brakes on neural activity.
Caffeine also boosts epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. In general, users of caffeine have more energy, more alertness and less fatigue. Athletes can benefit from these effects and more.
Using pre-workout supplements is a smart way to ensure you get the right nutrients and supplements into your body at the right time. Athletes around the world use caffeine anhydrous and caffeine supplements to improve performance and accelerate results. The most common positive effects are increased fat loss, elongated muscular performance, and enhanced recovery.
Increased fat loss. Since caffeine increases overall energy output, it has a positive effect on the metabolic system. It increases the release of fat into the bloodstream and helps your body burn it faster. The effects can be magnified when combined with exercise since your body will be primed for fat loss.
Muscular endurance. For aerobic activities like cycling or running, caffeine improves endurance. This seems to be a result of both the inhibition of andenosine and also the glucose sparing effect caffeine has on muscles. By increasing fat oxidation, caffeine prevents the body from using intramuscular glucose as the initial energy source so the stored energy can be reserved for later. It is believed that caffeine helps with perceived effort and exertion, so it essentially makes exercise feel easier!
Muscular Strength and Power. Caffeine isn’t only effective for distance-oriented athletes, it’s a great tool for weightlifting and other anaerobic activities as well. A study was performed on 18 male athletes who were given either caffeine or a placebo before performing chest press, leg press, or Wingate test. The group given caffeine lifted significantly more weight in the chest press and achieved more power in the Wingate test.
Faster recovery. As anyone that’s ever exercised knows, doing a new type of exercise or coming back after a break can be painful the next day, so faster recovery is crucial. For experienced athletes, recovery is even more important since an event or entire career can depend on muscles being fully healed and at optimal performance at the right time. A study performed at the University of Georgia tested the post-workout pain felt by a sample
of volunteers. The group given the caffeine had 48% less pain than the placebo group.
Dandelion root extract 100mg- Of all the weeds that can overtake our yards and ruin our gardens, the dandelion reigns supreme. However, despite its invasive nature, nutritionists and herbalists have long understood the value of the misunderstood dandelion.
In fact, both American and Chinese traditional medicines have used all parts of the dandelion to treat a variety of ailments for hundreds of years. Modern bodybuilders still make use of dandelion root tea and the plant can have wide nutritional benefits for anyone.
So instead of just disposing of all those annoying little yellow flowers when they cover your lawn next spring, consider cleaning them up and putting them to use.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, dandelions are a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C and D. The plant also offers several minerals including iron, potassium and zinc. This is all in addition to the complex collection of plant chemicals that help the dandelion ward of bacterial and fungal infections.
Dandelions also contain a small amount of protein, carbohydrates and fiber, and are fat-free. The high fiber content means that dandelions will make you feel full quickly and, since dandelions have only about 25 calories per cup, the chances of you gaining weight from eating them are very slim, so to speak.
Other Uses and Benefits
The high levels of iron in the leaves and roots of the dandelion have contributed to its use as a liver tonic in many cultures. Although there is primary research to support that dandelions can help to improve both liver and gallbladder health, the studies were poorly designed and could not be replicated by other researchers.
Dandelion root is an effective and time-tested diuretic, however. Bodybuilders commonly use a tea made of dandelion root to quickly lose water weight and attain a more chiseled
look before a competition. The root tea is also thought to soothe an upset stomach and improve digestion, but these uses are generally based on anecdotal evidence. The dandelion root tea is conveniently available at many health food stores if you aren’t up to harvesting and preparing your own.
Animal studies have also shown that dandelions may help maintain healthy blood sugar, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. These results haven’t been reproduced, though, and human studies are needed to understand the full potential of this application.
Forskolin 30mg- Now, don’t get discouraged. While forskolin may not be the miracle weight loss drug many are looking for, it does have several benefits that are supported by scientific evidence.
1. Helps Manage Weight in Overweight/Obese People
As I mentioned, forskolin does have promising results in its ability to prevent weight gain in already overweight or obese people. Used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, it can be used to help manage a healthy weight.
Another study supporting it for weight management was conducted on a topical slimming product in 2011. The product contained tetrahydroxypropyl ethylenediamine, caffeine, carnitine, forskolin and retinol. After 12 weeks, circumference of all treated areas (including waist, hips, buttocks and abdomen) had decreased, and the appearance of cellulite decreased significantly by week eight. While this does not directly affect fat mass, it may be worth mentioning for those who are concerned about the physical appearance of body fat. (4)
2. May Be Effective as Part of a Treatment for Cancer
Forskolin activates protein phosphatase 2 (PP2A), an enzyme that causes rapid rates of cell division. A study in 2011 at the University of Madrid found that forskolin’s activation of the PP2A enzyme had anti-tumor effects on rectal cancer tumors, stopping their growth. The results of this study indicate that, depending on the type of rectal cancer a patient has, forskolin may have positive effects on slowing or stopping tumor growth. (5)
Researchers also discovered that forskolin has the ability to cause apoptosis (cell death) in multiple myeloma cancer cells. Additionally, when taken with common (and dangerous) chemotherapy drugs, it reduced the side effects caused by the treatments. (6)
3. Reduces High Blood Pressure
One of forskolin’s most ancient uses is to treat heart conditions, such as hypertension. A study done in India found Coleus forskohlii extract to effectively reduce blood pressure in more than 75 percent of the patients tested. (7) This power against high blood pressure probably contributes to forskolin’s accepted use in improving heart health.
It’s possible to naturally reduce high blood pressure symptoms, and forskolin may be one piece of that puzzle. My recommendation to those suffering from high blood pressure is to reduce intake of foods that make blood pressure higher (such as alcohol, sugar, high-sodium foods and caffeine), start eating foods proven to lower blood pressure (the Mediterranean diet, high-potassium foods, tea, dark chocolate and more), and use other natural blood pressure-lowering methods. There are several supplements and essential oils that have a positive impact in reducing high blood pressure, and regular exercise and stress reduction also play a large part.
4. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
A 2014 study on glycemia and oxidative stress in rats looked at forskolin’s effectiveness on the two conditions. The study, published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences, indicated that regular administration of forskolin (over the course of eight weeks) decreased fasting blood glucose levels. (8) While this preliminary study shows that this supplement may help diabetic and prediabetic patients, more research must be done in order to prove its level of efficacy.
Interestingly, the study found no antioxidant activity significant enough to mention. Many champions of forskolin claim it to have significant antioxidant content, but this has not been proven. The evidence does, however, suggest its use to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
5. Helps Manage Asthma Attacks
Asthma, a condition in which airways become inflamed and swollen, is another condition historically treated by forskolin. It turns out that these benefits are very real indeed. Traditionally, asthma is treated by steroidal inhalers or cromoglicic acid, a non-steroidal inhaler, as well as various anti-inflammatory drugs and bronchodilators — the latter of which is used for emergency treatment to open airways during an asthma attack.
As I explain above, there are foods to eat and avoid to prevent and reduce the severity of asthma attacks, in addition to some supplements and essential oils that may help. Forskolin is another supplement that has positive effects on asthma patients.
It’s been found to be more effective than cromoglicic acid in at least one study testing forskolin’s ability to prevent asthma attacks, as participants taking it experienced about half of the asthma attacks as those taking cromoglicic acid. (9) Another experiment comparing forskolin to beclomethasone, a common steroidal inhaler treatment for asthma, found “no statistically significant difference between the forskolin and beclomethasone treatment groups,” indicating this may be a natural and relatively safe treatment option for asthma sufferers. (10)
6. Treats Symptoms of Glaucoma
Forskolin has long been believed to effectively and naturally treat symptoms of glaucoma.Commonly, using it for glaucoma involves an injection directly into the eye, although some recent studies have researched the impact of orally administered supplements as well.
One such occasion focused on the control of intraocular pressure, the fluid pressure within the eye. Maintaining stable intraocular pressure is the goal of many common glaucoma treatments for patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world.
An Italian study focused on patients who were already at the maximum tolerated medical therapy levels of medication without improvement to their intraocular pressure. Astoundingly, researchers found that taking forskolin orally (along with another supplement, rutin) had a significant impact on pressure levels and offered an effective treatment for patients who had tried everything else short of surgery. (11)
A normal prescription for glaucoma patients includes beta blockers and/or prostaglandin analogs. Both of these medication classes have dangerous side effects, including fatigue, depression, constipation, erectile dysfunction, itchy or burning eyes, and upper respiratory tract infection. To find a more scrupulous option, scientists in India found that eye drops containing 1 percent forskolin were a safer, effective option to beta blockers and prostaglandin analogs for glaucoma patients. (12)
Another glaucoma-related question is whether or not forskolin can be effective in preventing retinal ganglion cell death, the final ste
p into blindness for glaucoma patients. Forskolin alone had some effect, but researchers discovered that a multi-target approach including two additional natural supplements, homotaurine and L-carnosine, protected the health of the eye best when injected. This study has, so far, only been conducted on rat subjects. (13)
7. May Be a Useful Alzheimer’s Treatment
Like a lot of research on forskolin, the research linking it with a treatment for Alzheimer’s is in its infancy. However, a promising study published in the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology performed on rats in July 2016 found administration of forskolin greatly decreased many negative physical components caused by Alzheimer’s disease, including plaque in various areas of the brain and reduced inflammatory activity. This is incredibly encouraging in the area of natural Alzheimer’s treatment. (14)
Bioperine 5mg-Piperine, also known by its trademarked name, BioPerine, is an extract derived from black pepper, Piper Nigrum L, and long pepper, Piper longum L. Piperine is what gives peppers their spicy taste. This extract is marketed as a nutritional supplement and has been found to increase the absorption of a variety of nutrients. Though some of the benefits of piperine have yet to be firmly established, it may also have immune-suppressing, tumor-inhibiting and antidepressant effects. While piperine is probably safe to use, some concerns have been raised regarding its potentially dangerous, enhancing effect on certain drugs. As with starting any new treatments, consult your doctor first.
Absorption of Nutrients
The most established effect of piperine is its effect on absorption of nutrients from the intestine. This effect is known as "bioenhancement." According to an article published in the "Journal of Ayruveda and Integrative Medicine" in 2010, piperine has been shown to increase the absorption of vitamin C, selenium, beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B-6 and coenzyme Q. The article goes on to suggest that piperine may be useful for people who suffer from conditions that cause malabsorption of nutrients and people suffering from malnutrition.
While the primary immune system functions to eradicate foreign invaders, it can sometimes malfunction. A variety of diseases are caused by a faulty immune reaction. Piperine has been shown to decrease the activity of this inflammatory response. The findings from a study published in the "European Journal of Pharmacology" in 2010 suggest that piperine may decrease the communication of lymphocytes in the immune system, thereby slowing down their action. Piperine has been shown to be beneficial in gout, a disease characterized by a strong immune response against uric acid crystals. A study published in "Inflammation" in 2011 provided evidence that piperine blocked uric acid crystals from forming and that it could be used as a treatment for gout.
Anti-tumor Effect
Some evidence suggests that piperine may have some anti-cancer properties. A publication in "Clinical Laboratory Science" in 2008, for example, suggests that piperine inhibits the growth of colon cancers cells grown in a lab. The exact mechanisms by which the supplement prevents cancer are unknown, however, and whether this anti-cancer effect is effective outside of the laboratory remains to be proven.
Piperine may have some antidepressant activity as well, though this has not yet been firmly established. A trial of piperine on rats found that the animals provided evidence that the supplement had antidepressant and cognitive-enhancing effects. These findings were published in "Food and Chemical Toxicology" in 2008. Another study published in "Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior" in 2009 found that piperine increased the neurotransmission of serotonin and dopamine, two chemicals that are often deficient in depressed individuals. Clinical trials testing the supplement are needed to verify whether these benefits transfer to people.
*these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.